
Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Insurance Coverage

We are providers for many vision insurance carriers and also medical insurance carriers including those below. This list does change periodically, so if you do not see your carrier, please call us.



United Health Care

Vision Care Direct

Vision Care Plan

Vision Service Plan (VSP)


Blue Cross/Blue Shield



Great West


What is the difference between vision insurance and medical insurance?


Vision insurance is typically a plan separate from your medical insurance plan that generally covers part of a comprehensive eye examination in which glasses or contact lenses are prescribed. Your particular plan may or may not have some coverage for glasses or contact lenses. Your medical insurance typically helps to cover visits related to your eye health, such as emergency visits, eye infections or injuries. Your medical insurance may also cover a comprehensive eye examination if you do not have separate vision insurance or if you are having an eye examination due to a medical condition such as diabetes, glaucoma, cataracts, macular degeneration, among others. There may be times when both your vision and medical insurance may be used, and our staff will help you determine when and why that may happen.

What if my insurance does not cover a service?


Payment for services are expected at the time of service. A deposit of 50% will be collected when ordering glasses or contact lenses, and the balance will be due when the materials are dispensed. We will do our best to help you determine your insurance coverage for services or materials, but you are responsible for being familiar with your specific benefit plan.

Do I need a referral?


Probably not, but there are certain insurance companies that require a referral from your primary care physician prior to being seen in our office. If your plan requires pre-authorization or a referral, please let us know when you schedule an appointment.
